Beta Bouldering Gym
I started working at Beta Bouldering Gym in Flagstaff, AZ in August, 2024. After a month of routesetting and front desk, I joined the A-team marketing meetings to see what I could bring to the table. Now I write the monthly newsletter, design flyers for upcoming events, keep the website and social media updated, collaborate with shirt designs, and am helping plan the gym's 11th annual community competition. 
Youth team front of T-shirt,  Adobe Illustrator
Youth team front of T-shirt, Adobe Illustrator
Youth team back of T-shirt,Adobe Illustrator
Youth team back of T-shirt,Adobe Illustrator
Climb Lawrence
I was originally hired as a  front desk employee and youth  instructor, (among janitor and fixer-upper) at Climb Lawrence. I eventually took an interest in, and was hired to be a routesetter on a team of four. After the position opened up, I became the head routesetter on a team of five. 
During my time with the business, I helped plan multiple community and USAC competitions; and photographed and emcee'd events. I've provided social media marketing and physical advertising; and gave and implemented ideas for improving the business. 
I worked at the gym from January 2022 to August 2024 while attending the University of Kansas.
Kansas-based artist Chris Kiefer and I spray painted this 37'x23' design on the side of the gym.

We worked for nine months from conception to final product to get the massive project done. This time included multiple rounds of collaborative design, negotiating with the company, neighboring businesses and the community and creating a presentation to gain a permit from the city's Cultural Arts Commission. 
The finished product, photo by Taylor Mah.
The finished product, photo by Taylor Mah.
Chris Kiefer and I, standing in front of our art.
Chris Kiefer and I, standing in front of our art.
Mural against Lawrence skyline, photo by Taylor Mah.
Mural against Lawrence skyline, photo by Taylor Mah.
Timeline of the order of events.
Timeline of the order of events.
An early concept of the mural, based on a photo I took.
An early concept of the mural, based on a photo I took.
Another Iteration of an early concept.
Another Iteration of an early concept.
The concepting continues....
The concepting continues....
The last concept, as presented to the owner and the Cultural Arts Commission.
The last concept, as presented to the owner and the Cultural Arts Commission.
A render of the design onto the building, as needed by the permit for the Lawrence Cultural Arts commission.
A render of the design onto the building, as needed by the permit for the Lawrence Cultural Arts commission.
A blank canvas, soon to be riddled with ladders and empty cans.
A blank canvas, soon to be riddled with ladders and empty cans.
A few days after starting...
A few days after starting...
early visions of an outline beginning to come together.
early visions of an outline beginning to come together.
late nights spent under the streetlights and comforted by the adrenaline of getting a project this size done.
late nights spent under the streetlights and comforted by the adrenaline of getting a project this size done.
The Wild Wild Midwest Bouldering Competition I & II 
Role: Chief
- Created previously non-existent partnership with University of Kansas Rock Climbing Club
- Outlined budget and outreach plan to sponsors
- Designed timeline of coordinator responsibilities for four months leading up to event
- Designed flyers and organized teams for outreach and advertising
- Set and foreran routes preceding event
Uncle Sends Bouldering Comp. 
Role: Co-Chief
- Outlined budget and outreach plan to sponsors
- Designed timeline of coordinator responsibilities for 2 months leading up to event
- Provided flyers, T-shirts and marketing on social media
- Set and foreran routes preceding event
Flatlanders Climbing Comp, USAC QE
Role: Routesetter and Marketing
- Collaborated with setters all across midwest for optimal routes 
- Designed T-shirts and coordinated marketing tactics with head-setter and manager

Set and helped organize multiple 'mini-comps' and events for members including
- Deck the walls
- Scary Sends
- Thanks-Sending
- Women on the wall
- Adult Bouldering League

Front of the Uncle Sends T- shirt
Front of the Uncle Sends T- shirt
Back of the Uncle Sends T shirt
Back of the Uncle Sends T shirt
competitor in Uncle Sends
competitor in Uncle Sends
competitor in Uncle Sends
competitor in Uncle Sends
competitor in Uncle Sends
competitor in Uncle Sends
competitor in Uncle Sends
competitor in Uncle Sends
competitors in Uncle Sends
competitors in Uncle Sends
Scorecard for Uncle Sends
Scorecard for Uncle Sends
Flyer for Uncle Sends
Flyer for Uncle Sends
Flyer for the first Cowboy Comp
Flyer for the first Cowboy Comp
Photo from the first Cowboy Comp
Photo from the first Cowboy Comp
Photo from the first Cowboy Comp
Photo from the first Cowboy Comp
Miscellaneous Marketing Duties
- Designed staff and youth T shirts
- Created marketing and logos for attached coffee shop
- Making grade tags for boulders, top ropes and special occasions

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